Friday, March 28, 2014

My Testimony

This is my testimony of Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

I know that Jesus Christ lives. I know that He had a hand in the Book of Mormon. He directed the people in it, and even appeared to them after His glorious resurrection. He preserved these records so that we could have proof that we are not alone, we are not forgotten, and we are not abandoned. This record proves that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that neither of them are respecters of person. No one is is less precious or unique to them. 
I know that Jesus Christ is my perfect, older brother who volunteered in that great council in heaven to sacrifice His life so that we could return to live with our Father. Jesus suffered and died so that we could live in the presence of our Almighty, Eternal Father, if we but do our part. He was alone so that we will never be. He was mocked and scorned by His own people so that we would always have someone on ours side. He suffered pains so unfathomable so that living with God and being pure and forgiven was something that we could have. He made the impossible possible for us undeserving, imperfect humans.
 His love for us is pure and never ending, just as He is. He is never changing and will never forsake us. The path to a happy life is following His footsteps. We may stumble, we may fall, but He is always there to pick us up and put us back on the path when we get lost. All we have to do is reach out our hand. His arms are waiting and never failing arms of mercy are waiting to embrace us and lift us to higher, safer ground. It is all up to us. 
Jesus Christ suffered and died so that we wouldn't have to wait for help. it would always be immediate. But he can't dwell with us when we are wicked, Jesus Christ is a perfect being, and won't go where we go unless we are where we are supposed to be, doing what we are meant to do. He will guide us. He will direct us. He won't leave us alone. He will lead us as He has led the people in the past. 
The Book of Mormon proves the unwavering love that Jesus Christ has for his brothers and sisters. It has countless stories of His everlasting kindness and mercy. It is a true witness of the heartache, misery and suffering that is brought about by disobedience and pride. It is a witness of the mercy and prosperity that waits for the humble, penitent heart that comes to Christ willingly and honestly. It shows the justice and the mercy of our Heavenly Father and His son. It shows justice for the sinner and mercy for the sinner with a desire to change. The difference is made by us. We determine if we will be subject to strict justice or loving mercy. 
The Book of Mormon is a witness that Jesus Christ is, in fact, the Son of God. His divinity is blatantly marked on every page. It is not hidden to them that seek. No other book asks you, at the end, to ask God if it isn't true. No book would, unless it is inspired. Unless God made this Book through the hands of His prophet. I know that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father appeared to Joseph Smith. He was chosen to be the prophet in these latter days and to bring for this witness, so that all who read can come closer to Christ and know that they are loved and not forgotten. 
This book proves that Jesus Christ is not a changeable being. He led the people of the Old Testament, New Testament, so why not another testament? Has God suddenly changed? No. He has not. He is the same from everlasting to everlasting. He hasn't suddenly changed. Humans have. He hasn't closed the windows of Heaven. Humans have. Has God stopped talking to us? No. Humans have stopped listening. It is not good that man should be alone, so He hasn't left us alone. We have forgotten to keep looking. 
The Book of Mormon reminds us on every single page that we don't have to be alone if we don't want to be. Jesus Christ is there, waiting for us, with those open arms of never ending mercy. He is the perfect example for us. When we heed His offer to "come follow me" we are promised joy, protection, and blessings. He didn't promise that the tough times would go away, but He did promise to ease our burdens. The perfect example of Jesus Christ leads us to eternal life, eternal families, and eternal happiness. All He asks for is some action on our part.
 I love Jesus Christ. He is my brother. He is my Savior, and He is my friend. He is the light in the dark and the path to happiness. He is constant and unchangeable. 
He waits for me to make up my mind so that He can put His arm around my shoulder and walk with me back home to our Father for a joyous celebration.
He is hope and He is an anchor. He is a sure foundation and He is a great liberator. He is Holy and a True King. He is the fountain of all righteousness. He is the ultimate and true Redeemer. He is the Son of our great God and He is the creator of all things. He is Alpha and Omega, He is the truth and light in this world! He is your God and our God. He is MY God. 

I am so thankful for Jesus Christ. I love Him and I will praise Him forever.
